Posts Tagged ‘ultrasound tech schools online’

CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Tech Schools Online: What to Expect

Ultrasound Technicians are medical specialists who use the most complex and sophisticated diagnostic technology available to help doctors to assess a range of medical conditions.  An ultrasound technician can also be known as  diagnostic medical sonographer, or more commonly shortened to medical sonographer.

A medical sonographer’s job is to perform ultrasonic examinations of patients, for diagnostic purposes.  The medical sonographer is responsible for producing an ultrasound image, adequate for doctors or other medical professionals to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Ultrasound technicians might also be required to record measurements and other medically relevant information, however, the final image is provided to a doctor for diagnosis.

Aspiring ultrasound technicians can acquire their training in many ways. They can attend traditional training institutions or enrol in distant learning schools as there are many ultrasound tech schools online accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).

There are also several types of degrees offered to ultrasound technicians. Basically, there are 3 different levels of degrees offered, as follows:

  1. certification level
  2. associate level degree; and
  3. bachelor level degree.

The time required to complete these degrees varies according to the chosen level, from the one year Certification program, 2 year Associate degree, or the Bachelor degree which takes 4 years to complete.

ultrasound technicians

Typical ultrasound technician courses include training in ultrasound equipment usage, human anatomy, physiology and many more including some general courses. Some clinical practice is also required and many students do this at hospital placements chosen by the school.

Students require some direct hands-on clinical practice in order to pass the registration examination, as required by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). Whilst you may not need a state license to practice ultrasound (but many employers prefer ultrasound technicians who have the state certification) it is a definite advantage to obtain ARDMS registration.

Ultrasound Tech Schools Online

Like many other training programs, you can choose to enrol in an ultrasound technician online program. The popularity of online training programs is increasing every day. More than one ultrasound technician online program is available for those who want to take classes at home. Many people who have a full time job may choose  ultrasound technician classes online as they can take the classes at their own convenience. Online ultrasound technician training is a great way to start your career in the medical field. One important thing you need to remember while choosing an ultrasound technician online program is to ensure that the school and the program are accredited.

There are many online ultrasound training programs that are not accredited and it can be a waste of time and money to choose these programs, as most employers in the medical field seek professionals who have graduated from an accredited ultrasound technician program.

Recommended Online Ultrasound Technician Schools :

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Online training is not just convenient; it is also less expensive than the regular traditional programs. You can save on transportation costs since you don’t have to attend the school as well as save the cost of reference books as you will have access to the training materials online. But remember to ensure that your chosen course meets the requirements of a CAAHEP accredited  ultrasound tech school online.

CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Tech Schools Online

Aspiring ultrasound technicians should take into consideration that not all the  ultrasound tech schools online are accredited by CAAHEP.

It is important to know that there are 4 institutions which do meet the accreditation requirements of CAAHEP.

All you have to do is visit our listing of ultrasound technician schools where each and every ultrasound program (even the online ultrasound classes), is conveniently displayed in terms of location, degree type and program specialization.  Click Here :

The reason that it is important to choose an accredited school is because when you graduate you will be directly eligible to take the ARDMS test. You will enhance your employment options in many heath care centers and hospitals simply by having a CAAHEP recognized qualification as well as certification with ARDMS.

There are many schools and colleges that offer ultrasound technician classes. Some of the best ultrasound technician schools are listed below:-

  • St. Joseph’s College of Maine
  • Central Penn College
  • Allied Health Institute
  • Walden University
  • Keiser University
  • Jackson Community College
  • Mountain State University
  • Washburn University
  • Mayo Clinic

The typical online ultrasound technology training courses include all of the subjects listed below

  • Vascular technology procedures
  • Medical ethics and law
  • Physiology
  • Multi planer sectional anatomy
  • Abdominal Sonography
  • High-resolution Sonography
  • Clinical Internship

In Summary:

With a growing demand for jobs within the medical field, the choice of career as an ultrasound technician offers an exciting future. But in order to become an ultrasound technician you will need to undertake some training.

You can take classes either in traditional institutions or  ultrasound tech schools online– its YOUR choice!

The popularity of online training is growing every day and for this reason many schools and colleges have started offering ultrasound technician classes online. For someone who is busy with a fulltime job, or other family or personal commitments, online training is a convenient option. Remember to choose a CAAHEP accredited online ultrasound technician school and complete your ARDMS certification.

We sincerely hope that using this guide helps you choose the ultrasound school which best meets your needs, and helps you to realise your goals and ambitions in this awesome career.
