Ultrasound Technician Schools in Florida:–Top 3 CAAHEP Sonography Programs!

The state of Florida values the skills of the ultrasound techs and thus presents great career prospects for the sonographer-wannabes. In fact, when compared to the other states, Florida is seen as the state with the highest number of ultrasound technicians employed. Hence, if you also have this ambition of shaping your career as an ultrasound technician or rather say a diagnostic medical sonographer, then enrolling in one of the CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in Florida ought to be your first priority.

Getting Enrolled in a CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Tech Program: Why is it Necessary?

Ultrasound Technician Schools in FloridaNo doubt, you may have this question about why it is necessary for you to get enrolled in only those sonography schools and colleges, which have been favored with the accreditation from the CAAHEP (i.e. Council for Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs). Well, the answer is simple. Upon graduation from any CAAHEP accredited ultrasound programs, you are, at once, welcomed to sit in the ARDMS exam, passing which would provide you with the credentials of a Registered Sonographer. And speaking of the ARDMS (i.e. American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography), you should also be enlightened with the fact that employers have this tendency to hire only the Registered Sonographers. That’s why graduating from a CAAHEP accredited sonography school is of the utmost importance.

Right now, the sonographer aspirants of the Florida state have 17 CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician programs to choose from. And, in order to make it easier for you to find a good sonography program, we have here 3 top ultrasound technician schools of Florida State, with which you must be acquainted.

In case, you are not interested in enrolling in these top 3 medical schools Florida is proud of, then you may take a look at the sonography programs issued by other medical and nursing schools available in Jacksonville, Orlando and Miami Florida. And, of course, you also have the liberty to apply for the ultrasound technician schools online but only the CAAHEP accredited ones.

Brief Introduction of the Top 3 Associate’s Level Ultrasound Technician Schools in Florida:–   

1. Nova Southeastern University

The sonographer aspirants who are residing in the Fort Lauderdale city of the Florida State should be glad to learn that their city is playing host to one of the best ultrasound tech schools of Florida i.e. the Nova Southeastern University.

This highly reputed Nova University is the one and only sonography school (besides the University of Missouri) to provide a CAAHEP accredited Master’s Degree program in Sonography.  So, if you wish to earn the master’s degree in sonography from a CAAHEP accredited school, then the Nova University is the best option you have.

Appealing Features of the Ultrasound Program run by the Nova Southeastern University:–

Besides the Master’s degree sonography program, the Nova University also offers Bachelor’s degree sonography program, which too has receive the accreditation from the CAAHEP. Graduates of these programs (i.e. both the Master’s and Bachelor’s degree) would be eligible to sit in the ARDMS certification exam without any inconvenience.

Both of the Master’s degree and bachelor’s degree ultrasound program of the Nova University are concerned with the Vascular Sonography.

As a 4 years long bachelor’s degree sonography program, the students would get to explore the special courses like abdominal vascular testing, arterial testing and cerebrovascular testing. Also, this bachelor’s degree program would require the students to attend 3 clinical externships.

 On the other hand, the Master’s degree sonography program has the schooling period of about 26 months. The ultrasound coursework of the Master’s degree is quite similar to that of the bachelor’s degree sonography program.

Note:–Only the bachelor’s degree holders, who have completed certain pre-medical curriculums, are eligible to enroll in the master’s degree sonography program of the Nova University.

Contact Details:–

Recommended Online Ultrasound Technician Schools :

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  • Address:–3200 South University Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL-33328
  • Online Address:–www.nova.edu
  • Phone No.:–954-262-1993

2. Miami Dade College

With 8 campuses situated around the South Florida, the Miami Dade College has managed to accumulate reputation as a good sonography school of the Florida State. So, if you want to become a sonographer, then keep in mind that the Miami Dade College, located in the Miami city of Florida State, has a quality ultrasound training program, which has got hold of the CAAHEP’s accreditation.

Appealing Features of the Ultrasound Program run by the Miami Dade College:–

Students who wish to enroll in the Miami Dade College should learn that this sonography school currently provides an Associate’s degree in 2 fields of ultrasound concentration i.e. General Sonography and Cardiac Sonography.

Needless to say, this associate’s degree program has the ultrasound technician courses lasting around 2 years. Students of this program would be required to go through a 91 credit long ultrasound technician courses.

Upon the completion of this ultrasound program, the graduates would be honored with the Associate’s degree, obtaining which makes them eligible to take participation in the ARDMS exam.

Contact Details:–

  • Address:–950 NW 20th Street, Miami, FL-33127
  • Online Address:–www.mdc.edu
  • Phone No.:–305-237-4245

3. Keiser University

It is not a surprising thing to find Kaiser University as one of the most reputed ultrasound technician schools in Florida. After all, the Kaiser University can be found in 14 different locations of the Florida State, 3 of which have even managed to gain accreditation from the CAAHEP for their ultrasound tech training program.

Note:–Kaiser University provides CAAHEP approved sonography program from only 3 of its Florida branches, namely in Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Melbourne. Other Kaiser University branches in Florida have not received accreditation from the CAAHEP, at present.

Appealing Features of the Ultrasound Program run by the Kaiser University:–

All 3 CAAHEP accredited Kaiser University’s branches provide an Associate’s Degree sonography program, from which the interested students can graduate in around 2 year’s time.

Besides the General Sonography program, the Kaiser University at Fort Lauderdale also has received CAAHEP accreditation for its Vascular Sonography program. Mind you, the other 2 CAAHEP accredited Kaiser Universities at Melbourne & Daytona Beach have bagged CAAHEP accreditation for their General Sonography programs only.

Interested applicants of the associate’s degree program would be given the choice to decide whether they would like to take ultrasound training classes at day-time or evening-time.

The Kaiser University manages clinical internships for its ultrasound students at the local hospitals or medical facilities. Students can expect to receive 6 clinical rotations in different ultrasound facilities.

Like many other educational institutions, the Kaiser University also has the provision of providing institutional scholarships and other such financial aids to the ambitious sonographer-wannabes.

Contact Details:–

  • Address (Fort Lauderdale Branch):–1500 NW 49th Street, Ft. Lauderdale, FL-33309
  • Address (Daytona Beach Branch):–1800 Business Park Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL-32114
  • Address (Melbourne Branch):–900 S. Babcock St., Melbourne, FL -32901
  • Online Address:–keiseruniversity.edu
  • Phone No.:– 321-725-3766 (Melbourne) |386-274-5060 (Daytona) |954-776-4456×524 (Lauderdale)

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