How much does an ultrasound technician earn?

How much does an ultrasound technician earn? Find the answer here.

A career as an ultrasound technician is a lucrative occupation. The annual salary is higher than average. And even better, training to become an ultrasound technician does not take as long as other medical professions. In just 18 months of training you will become a qualified ultrasound technician ready to work in a hospital, diagnostic lab or other healthcare center, and be earning a handsome salary.

Normally ultrasound schools offer a two year associates degree or a four year bachelor degree in ultrasound technology. You will also find several schools that provide online ultrasound technician programs to students. Such programs can be completed within 18 months. Some schools also provide a one year diploma or certificate level program on ultrasound technology which is designed for the people who are already engaged in the medical field and want to start their career as an ultrasound technician.

Generally, employers prefer to hire ultrasound technicians who are certified or registered practitioners. To obtain certification you will need to sit for the certification or registry exams. You will only be eligible to take those exams if the ultrasound technician schools or programs you joined are accredited. Accreditation is a process to ensure that the program meets the minimum national standard of health policy. Therefore it can be beneficial if you join a program or school that has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditations of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) within the United States. There are more than 150 trainings programs that have been accredited by CAAHEP within the United States, so look out for a school near you!

According to the latest survey, an ultrasound technician earns between $45,000 to 70,000 annually. However there are many variables that may affect the average salary. One of the obvious variables is the choice of training school. Those who have excellent educational results will get top priority when it comes to job placement. However, if the school you attended is not accredited then you may not receive the expected salary. Your academic performance in the school or program will not only affect your average salary but may also affect where you will be able to find a job.

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Your level of experience will also affect your average salary.  If you are new to the field then you will be offered a lower salary than an experienced practitioner.  A third variable is location. The desirability of your chosen location will directly affect your average salary. Your choice of employment will also affect your average salary.  If you are working in a large hospital then your salary can be higher then working in a small physician’s office.

Another variable that can affect your average salary is the specialization that you choose.  As the heath industry evolves, there are many specializations an ultrasound technician can choose from.  Most common specialties are Obsteric and gynecology sonography, Breast sonography, Neurosonography, Abdominal sonography, Echocardiography, Vascular technology, Ophthalmology, Musculoskeletal sonograhy etc. The ultrasound technicians related to these specializations have different salary levels, as they are paid differently according to different training, conditions and equipment.

The average starting salary is expected to be around $40,000 to $50,000 per year.  An experienced ultrasound technician with an excellent educational record can earn as much as $70,000 per year.

A recent survey shows that demand for ultrasound technicians is increasing rapidly compared to other medical professions. Therefore the employment opportunities in ultrasound technology will be higher in the future. As most people prefer alternative methods for painful surgery and medications, ultrasound technology can be a better option for them. Increasingly, hospitals and other medical centers are using ultrasound technology for different diagnostic purposes. There is a high demand for ultrasound technicians with advanced skills and experience. The job satisfaction and competitive pay associated with this career lures many people towards this medical field.



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