4 Academic Steps Showing How To Become An Ultrasound Technician

Have you decided on your future career?  Think you would like to become an ultrasound technician?  Then you need to know that working as a professional ultrasound technician is not only exciting and rewarding but also earns a handsome salary of around $45,000 to over $80,000 per annum (while the former ultrasound technician salary figure is for the newbies, the latter salary can be earned by experienced ultrasound techs). Please read on for a short and sweet description on how to become an ultrasound technician.

Here is the Guide for How to Become an Ultrasound Technician


First Step:–Deal With the Ultrasound Technician Schools’ Pre-requisites

Just like any other medical program, ultrasound technician schools prefer to offer enrolment to those applicants who have a high school diploma or graduate certificate.  Additionally, ultrasound tech schools require good grades in mathematics, science and, of course, computer science as ultrasound is all about technology!

Second Step:–Find Yourself a CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Training Program

Having met the pre-requisites, the next step is to search for a good ultrasound training program, which is, thankfully, not too hard to find, owing to the fact that there are currently 201 ultrasound programs accredited by CAAHEP i.e. Council for Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.

Recommended Online Ultrasound Technician Schools :

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All you have to do is visit our CAAHEP accredited listing of schools, where each and every ultrasound program (even online ultrasound classes), is conveniently displayed in terms of location, degree type and program specialization.

Third Step:–Graduate From Your Ultrasound Program With Flying Colors

Once you have enrolled yourself at a CAAHEP accredited ultrasound program, your formal training begins, including theoretical & laboratory classes on the following subjects:

  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Medical Terminology
  • Introduction to Ultrasound Technology
  • Sonography Techniques
  • Pathology
  • Personal Safety & Hygiene
  • Patient Care and Ethics

Aside from the theoretical classes, an ultrasound training program would also assign you to clinical internships at hospitals or ultrasound facilities, to gain clinical experience using the latest ultrasound machines.  You will learn to master the art of generating clear and accurate sonograms (medical term for photographs) of the human body and organs.

Fourth Step:–Challenge ARDMS Certification & Become A Registered Sonographer

Having graduated from their respective ultrasound technician education provider, students are recognized as Ultrasound Technicians, and provided that their state does not have an additional licensing requirement, are qualified for employment.

However, health industry employers expect graduate ultrasound technicians to pass a certification exam, administered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) in order to become a Registered Ultrasound Technician.

We sincerely hope that using this guide helps you choose the ultrasound technician schools which best meet your needs, and helps you to realise your goals and ambitions in this worthwile career.

